Friday, December 31, 2010

The Secret Sex Matrix - intro

$ee the Secret Sexual Matrix


  • How you can use knowledge of the sexual matrix to attract a willing partner
  • can you use the sexual matrix in sales to make more money?
  • which ancient civilisations used sexual matrix codes to control other people?
  • the Sexual Matrix used in mystical and magical rites
  • sexual matrix codes used by secret societies (Illuminati, Church of Satan, FreeMasons, Rosicrucians, Catholic Church, Priory of Sion, et al)
  • how awareness of the sexual matrix can make you immune to marketing, including making yourself immune to subliminal messages


What has sex got to do with money? Oddly enough, sexuality and the sexual psyche has a lot to do with the behaviour of investing, saving, spending and shopping. The link between sex, money and ancient codes was something that we discovered by accident whilst researching the habits of the wealthy versus the behaviour of the ordinary people.

It is a bold claim to say that the knowledge of the psychology of the Sexual Matrix will change your life, but we believe that it will carve a line in your subconscious so that there will be two distinct stages for you: your life before you saw the Sexual Matrix, and your life after you knew of its existence.

The knowledge of the Sexual Matrix can be seen as similar to the Zen poem: “As air to the eagle, as water to the fish…” Once you have seen the Sexual Matrix, you are like a fish that has observed the water or a bird that notices air. You will suddenly become aware of something that has always been unseen, taken for granted as present but never understood or seen objectively.

You will become aware of your environment and its structure, rather than just living in it and unconsciously moving through it. Once you are conscious of the Sexual Matrix, just like Neo in “The Matrix” movie, you can no longer go back to unawareness. Alice could not simply “go back up the rabbit hole” and remain contentedly unaware; like a sleeper who has awakened, you cannot simply return to how your life used to be.

Take the red pill and read on for a rude awakening or take the blue pill to close this page and remain safe and comfortable in the world that you believe in.

At the most primal and simple level, the difference between men and women is one of simple physiology: “women wear bras and men have a penis” to (parody) paraphrase John Gray’s famous book title.

Women have sexual organs that are rounded in shape, whereas men have a more linear organ. Moving out from the genitals to the larger body, we can see that the archetypical woman has a body that features curves (hips, breasts, thighs, buttocks, face and so on) while an exemplary man will have a more linear, even apparently “chiselled” body that is visually heavier on straight lines.

male I & female O

A man will often choose his mate or an investment by getting “straight” to “the point”, whereas the female may tend to do more research and “go around” the point, seemingly travelling “in circles” before making her choice. (Note that this behaviour is not necessarily good or bad, it can be both or either, or merely seen as behaviour that just “is”.)


Observe a typical man shopping and you may see that he goes straight through the shop doors, swiftly to his purchase and then walks straight out; his domain is straight, linear and efficient. A typical woman may circumnavigate the entire store before trying out several items and may make her purchase after seeing “everything” on offer. She will say that she is more informed; he will say that he is more efficient. Both will claim to be more effective.


Again, both methods are acceptable and we do not wish to have a world populated by all men or all women. A woman’s circumnavigation and “roundabout” observation will mean that she is the best person to ask “where is the remote control?”; a man’s linear and laser-like observation will mean that he is the best one to be sent on a swift errand.

[Please note that we are being deliberately generalist in our overview. There are of course, men who are more feminine in their energies, habits and mannerisms; just as there are women who exhibit more masculine traits. Even amongst homosexual or lesbian couples there is typically one member who is more “butch” and one who is more “femme”. We are not being sexist, excluding gay couples nor alienating those who have different dominant energies; our generalisations are just for simplicity and convenience. Please feel free to translate “man” as “masculine partner” and “woman” as “feminine partner” throughout the entire text.]


  • Using knowledge of the sexual matrix to attract a willing partner
  • how the sexual matrix can be used in sales to make more money
  • how awareness of the sexual matrix can make you immune to marketing, including becoming immune to subliminal messages
  • which ancient civilisations used sexual matrix codes to control others
  • binary sex secrets in architecture
  • the Sexual Matrix used in mystical and magical rites
  • sexual matrix codes used by secret societies (Illuminati, Church of Saturn, FreeMasons, Rosicrucians, Catholic Church, Priory of Sion, et al)


[For more about secret societies, sexual attraction, seductive marketing and religion, including angels, demons, devils and Dan Brown, subscribe to stay informed of new updates.]

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