Saturday, May 7, 2011

using the secret techniques of Binary Sexology for more money, more love or more power

If you would like to have more money in your life, if you would like to have a better relationship with your customers, clients, co-workers or your life partner, then invest 10 minutes into watching this video and yes, it *will* change your life.

This clip will change the way you see yourself, your partner and will change your relationships with all of those with whom you meet, work with, sell to or want something from... :-)

Several people who have watched this video have given the feedback "It's so obvious, WHEN you tell me"...
You have not discovered a new truth but have had an ancient one uncovered.

This clip is not about adding new knowledge to your brain, it is about drawing out the deep knowledge that is already inside of your body.

"Great truths are not taught, they are revealed." JB

Please spread the knowledge, share the love and share the ancient wisdom by sharing this with your friends on Facebook. I would also love to hear your comments on Facebook
and would love to see any comments on Youtube

If you "like" it, then please *share* it...


Friday, January 14, 2011

What do million dollar marketers know about sex that you don't?

What do million dollar marketers know about sex that you don't?

As it turns out, some quite large names in the marketing world may be guilty of the plagiarism of ancient wisdom. If you were to submit a school assignment copied from an ancient Egyptian source then you would get into trouble. Car marketers or campaign leaders can copy old logos and be paid million$!

You may have seen the famous "winged disc" logo in use on an Egyptian temple. An ancient decree (possibly by one of the many under-publicised female Pharaohs) stated that this particular symbol must be placed above the doorway of every Egyptian temple.

The Assyrians also had a version of the winged disc used in their artwork. (Note the addition of a triangular (pyramid) shape beneath the Assyrian winged disc; we will explain the added triangle or blade later.)

The Babylonians had an amazing reverence for the winged disc with its blade as well

The Sumerians also had a winged disc which was used in most of their pottery and sacred or royal seals; note the same added blade

If you want to know the powerful sexual origin of the winged disc, then read on. If you want to find out about its awesome power over the subconscious mind, its power to influence people, its incredible subliminal ability, then grab your Google and investigate and discover how much each of the following companies paid a design group to come up with their logos...

Seriously, why did the President of the USA use an ancient Middle-Eastern winged disc in his campaign? Wonder where he got the idea?

A winged disc inside of a disc that could be winged.... Nice!

The design team must have been paid a fortune for that one!

But doesn't it look too much like the Pokemon logo?

Perhaps nobody will notice?
The Pokemon video cover had a winged disc with a winged creature flying above it

Nope, looks like nobody noticed

Perhaps one of Obama's team was flying South-West Airlines when they experienced the revelation of what logo to use for his advertising campaign?

Or maybe they were riding their Harley Davidson to work that day when they came up with the idea? (Note that Harley uses the winged disc, adds the blade & then whacks a five-pointed star in the middle for good measure! They are boys!)

The idea may have come from the Harley Davidson instead of ancient Egypt, unless of course, it was raining that day, and instead of the Harley motorcycle, they drove their Bentley to work... (Yes, the blade is back)

Coincidence? How many other companies have copied this powerful symbol?
This "winged disc" thing appears to have an amazing ability to SELL, which is why it is being used. Much of its effect is subconscious or subliminal and that is why it is so effective.

You see that symbol and you WANT to buy, you just don't know why! (But do not fear that you will be forever manipulated against your will by marketing companies. As soon as the subconscious symbolism behind the logo comes to your conscious mind, you will become immune to the pull of its power.)

Hmmm, Mini (without the blade) is using a very similar winged disc logo to Harley, Bentley and who else?

Could it be that Chrysler executives also know the power of this symbol? It seems like "everyone is doing it". Which car manufacturers or marketers did NOT use the winged disc (possibly many of them ended up going broke or were bought out by the companies who did use the winged disc logo)?

Even the Ford motor company used a similar version of the winged disc logo, with the pyramid becoming fuller and larger, taking over the disc. Interesting, boys, interesting!

Red Bull energy drinks went for a more stylised version of the winged disc logo for their marketing, but if you squint you can still recognise the original Egyptian symbol (albeit now with the hint of an inverted pyramid or chalice in the negative space)

Car maker Mazda went for an interesting twist on the winged disc, with the wings becoming mostly inside of the disc (this was not Mazda's original logo, you can see that one here )

Auto leader Chevrolet also went "Mazda" (or is that Mad az?) with their version of the winged disc logo, utilising crossed flags as pseudo wings. (Note the old squared Chevy logo, seen here on the red flag next to the "boyscout" Fleur de Lis, is a type of box with wings or a topless pyramid with wings. Check out The Great Seal of The United States)

Famous caffeinistas "Hard Rock" also used the winged disc logo, as did fellow caffeine conspirators, Coca Cola

Coca-Cola already enjoyed huge market share (dare we say "penetration"?) before it adopted the winged disc, so why did it jump on the winged disc band-wagon?

Yes, rock bands were also getting in on the act, (or jumping on the band wagon), with AeroSmith using the winged disc, the five-pointed star and the full pyramid in their logo

Classic rockers REO Speedwagon also borrowed the winged disc logo for their trademark -- if you have listened to their music you may theorise that the ancient magical mystical winged disc logo was the only secret to their sales success!

Legendary rockers The Grateful Dead also used the winged disc logo, complete with a skull

We have hundreds more examples of how the "winged disc" has been used to sell almost everything conceivable (you have only seen cars, bikes, planes, Presidents, drinks and bands so far). If you have a spare few hours, then feel free to check for branding on Google images for far more.

The first link in the preceding sentence will show you corporate usage, whereas the second one will show you how the Zoroastrians (symbol at left) use the same symbol as the Scientologists and Rosicrucians.

Now, for the answer to who used the symbol first and the key to ensuring that your subconscious mind is no longer subliminally manipulated to buy products, vote for politicians or join religions without knowing why you did it...

We all know that "SEX SELLS", but many people are immune to graphic images of naked flesh, cleavage, provocative or "suggestive" poses used by models... So the marketers had to make it more subtle, appealing not to the conscious mind but to the primitive limbic system...

The answer to who used the ancient magical and mystical "winged disc" symbol first is, of course, "the oldest profession", and no, we are not talking about the Freemasons (although they too, have used the symbol in all of their lodges since they began)

WHAT was the original "winged disc" logo?
Why did it always signify "new life", "passage to another plane of existence"?
Why did the Zoroastrians show a god emerging from the winged disc?
Why did the Assyrians, Babylonians and Sumerians show the blade (phallus) positioned below or entering the circle (or chalice)?

For the answer to all of those questions, look no further than your local gynaecologist.
(or look at things from their point of view!)

Yes, there it is. The sacred site of union, creation, new life, spirituality, protection, ecstasy and comfort.

The same site seen by many men as an end goal, the same site seen by midwives as a new beginning; the apparent "winged disc".

Now you have seen the symbolism behind literally thousands of marketing campaigns and hundreds of religious movements, you may find yourself immune to the pull of its hypnotic gaze.

Now you have seen The Secret Sex Matrix. Just as Morpehus said to Neo in The Matrix, You can go back into the world where you used to live, but you will now see it a little differently.

Click "Follow" to Join the discussion and be informed of updates; including the one where we upset several other religions such as Christians, Jews, Sufis, Scientologists and reveal more marketing secrets that you can use to manipulate others for gain (yours or theirs!)